Recent Replies
@apoorplayer Yeah, the internals of the wallet are similar to what's inside a nice backpack (like a Tom Bihn) made to mold to your back. In this case, made to mold into your leg/pocket. Yeah, I imagine it'd hold a pen light pretty nicely.
@apoorplayer Somehow I just got the notification of this. Let me know how you like it. I'm not a typical notetaker either. But I do use the notepad for a few things like giving the kids a couple sheets to draw, jotting down a quick todo/shopping list, or leaving a note for someone (with contact info or similar).
@devilgate I don't believe this is because of Bayou. Comments are handled on's side.
@cheesemaker Nice. I'm gonna add some styling for that to Sumo Theme this week.
@patrickrhone What kind of filling? I'm partial to a blueberry cream cheese.